What is the Double Bounce Rule in Pickleball?

Are you tired of losing points in pickleball because you’re not familiar with all the rules? Well, fear no more! We have got your back. Today, we will discuss one of the most important rules in pickleball – the double bounce rule. If you want to improve your game and increase your chances of winning. Then read on to discover everything about this crucial rule and how it can change your gameplay for good.

Are you ready to elevate your pickleball game? While pickleball is a blast to play, some rules can trip up newbies. The notorious “double bounce” rule, also known as the “Two-Bounce” rule, is one of them. But fear not, mastering this rule is a piece of cake with a few simple tips!

Let’s dive in and clear up any confusion so you can confidently dominate the court and know what is the double bounce rule in pickleball.

Double Bounce Rule in Pickleball

What Is the Double Bounce Rule in Pickleball?

  • When playing pickleball, the double bounce rule states that after the ball bounces on your side of the court. You must let it bounce again before hitting it back over the net.
  • This rule is in place so that players have a fair chance to reach the ball and keep the game moving. If you hit the ball before it has a chance to bounce twice, your opponent can call a fault and you will lose the point.
  • The rule is designed to smooth out the transition from serving to the dinking and rallying stages of the game, but it can be confusing at first. Don’t worry, I’ve got you covered.
  • First things first, don’t let the name fool you. This rule doesn’t mean you can let the ball bounce twice on your side and get away with it. If that happens, you’ll still lose the point faster than you can say “pickleball.”
  • Here’s the scoop straight from the IFP official tournament rules. For the pickleball serves and the service return, the ball must bounce once on each side of the court before you strike it. This means that both you and your opponent must play a groundstroke on the first shot following the serve.
  • It’s a fair game after that, and you can mix it up with some volleys. Shots are made in mid-air before the ball hits the ground.
  • Keep in mind that this rule isn’t just some arbitrary regulation. It’s there to ensure that both sides have an equal opportunity to start the game and to promote longer rallies, making for an even more exhilarating match.
  • So get ready to dominate the court with your newfound knowledge of the Double Bounce Rule!

When Is the Double Bounce Rule Used in Pickleball?

The game is played on a court that is smaller than a tennis court, with a lower net and smaller paddles. One of the essential rules of pickleball is the Double Bounce Rule, which is used during the serve and service return. Here are some key points to keep in mind regarding the Double Bounce Rule in pickleball:

  • The Double Bounce Rule is used during the serve and service return in pickleball.
  • During the serve, the ball must bounce once in the serving team’s service court and once in the receiving team’s service court before being hit.
  • During the service return, the ball must bounce once in the receiving team’s service court. Once in the serving team’s service court before being hit.
  • Both the server and the receiver must play a groundstroke on the first shot following the serve.
  • If a player hits the ball before it has bounced twice, their opponent can call a fault, and they will lose the point.
  • The Double Bounce Rule helps to ensure fair play and equal opportunity for both teams to start the game.
  • After the serve and service return, the game is played under regular rules, and players can mix it up with some volleys – shots made in mid-air before the ball hits the ground.
  • The Double Bounce Rule can be confusing for beginners, but it is an essential rule to understand to play pickleball properly.

Therefore the Double Bounce Rule is an essential aspect of pickleball that ensures fair play and equal opportunity for both teams. It is used during the serve and service return and helps to smooth out the transition from serving to the dinking and rallying stages of the game.

How Does the Double Bounce Rule Work in Pickleball?

The Double Bounce Rule is a fundamental rule in the sport of pickleball. And it governs how the ball is played during the serve and service return. The rule ensures fair play and equal opportunity for both teams to start the game. And it can be confusing for beginners.

Here’s how the Double Bounce Rule works in pickleball.

Double Bounce Rule in Pickleball

During the Serve

The serving team must hit the ball so that it lands in the opponent’s service court diagonally across the net. The ball must bounce once in the serving team’s service court. Then once in the receiving team’s service court before the receiver can hit the ball. Both the server and the receiver must play a groundstroke on the first shot following the serve.

During the Service Return

The receiving team must let the ball bounce once in their service court and then once in the serving team’s service court before hitting the ball back over the net. The ball must be hit with a groundstroke on the first shot following the service return.

After the Serve and Service Return

Once the ball has been returned to the serving team’s court, the game continues under regular rules. Players can hit the ball in the air (volleys) or wait for it to bounce before hitting it back. If a player hits the ball before it has bounced twice, their opponent can call a fault, and they will lose the point.

The Double Bounce Rule in pickleball is designed to ensure that both teams have an equal opportunity to start the game and to promote longer rallies, making for a more exciting match. It is an essential rule to understand to play pickleball properly. It helps to ensure that the game is played fairly and with respect for all players.

Pros and Cons of the Double Bounce Rule in Pickleball

The double bounce rule in pickleball states that both teams must let the ball bounce once on each side of the net before volleys are allowed. Here are some pros and cons of this rule.


  1. Encourages longer rallies: With the double bounce rule, the ball must be returned from the bounce on each side of the net, making it more likely that rallies will last longer.
  2. Allows for more strategic play: The double bounce rule gives players more time to position themselves and plan their shots, which can lead to more thoughtful and strategic play.
  3. Reduces the advantage of serving: Without the double bounce rule, the serving team would have a significant advantage because they could hit the ball hard and close to the net. Making it difficult for the receiving team to return. The double bounce rule levels the playing field by requiring the serving team to let the ball bounce on the receiving side before volleys are allowed.


  1. Slows down the game: The double bounce rule can make the game slower and less exciting for some players who prefer a faster-paced game.
  2. Requires more skill: With the double bounce rule, players must have good control and placement to keep the ball in play. This can be challenging for beginners and less skilled players.
  3. Limits the effectiveness of certain shots: Certain shots, such as drop shots and overhead slams, are less effective with the double bounce rule since players have more time to react and get to the ball.
Double Bounce Rule in Pickleball

The double bounce rule is a fundamental aspect of pickleball and helps to ensure fair play and longer rallies. However, it may not be everyone’s favorite rule as it can slow down the game and require more skill to execute well.

Click on Nude Pickleball to Know More

Why Does the Two-bounce Rule Exist in Pickleball?

The Two-Bounce Rule in pickleball exists to create a fair and equal playing field for all players. This rule states that when the ball is hit, it must bounce twice before it can be hit again by the same player.

This rule ensures that all players have an opportunity to hit the ball. Prevents one player from dominating the game. The Two-Bounce Rule also adds an element of strategy to the game. As players must consider how to best use their two bounces to their advantage.

What If Someone Breaks the Double Bounce Rule in Pickleball?

The Double Bounce Rule is a critical rule in pickleball that helps ensure fair play and an exciting game. Here’s what you need to know about the Double Bounce Rule:

• If a player violates the Double Bounce Rule, it results in a fault.
• The receiving team violates the rule, the serving team gets a point.
• Serving team violates the rule, they lose the rally, and service moves to the next player.
• Without the Double Bounce Rule, the receiving team could quickly volley the ball back to the serving team. It makes the game shorter and more frustrating to play.
• To remember the rule, stand far back during the serve to avoid the temptation to volley the ball back.
• If a ball bounces twice on one side of the court, it is considered a fault for that team.
• In doubles, if the serving team commits the fault, they lose the rally. Then the service moves to the next player.
• If the non-serving team commits the fault, the serving team is awarded a point.

The Double Bounce Rule is a critical component of picklebal. Players must adhere to it to play the game fairly. Knowing the rules of pickleball, including the Double Bounce Rule, can make the game more enjoyable and exciting to play.

Remember to stand back during the serve, watch the ball carefully. Follow the rules to make the most of your pickleball experience.

Tips for Remembering the Rule

The Double Bounce Rule is an essential part of pickleball, and it can be challenging to remember, especially for beginners. Here are some tips to help you remember the Double Bounce Rule in pickleball:

  1. Practice: The more you play, the more natural the rule will become. Take every opportunity to practice and play the game.
  2. Use visual cues: Visualize the ball bouncing twice before hitting it to remind yourself of the rule. You can also use a mental image of the court with two imaginary lines where the ball should bounce.
  3. Listen for the sound of the ball: Listen for the sound of the ball bouncing twice before hitting it back. This can help you avoid the temptation to hit the ball before it has bounced twice.
  4. Keep your distance: Stand as far back as possible when the other team serves to avoid the temptation to volley the ball back before it has bounced twice.
  5. Communicate with your partner: If you’re playing doubles, communicate with your partner to ensure that you both adhere to the Double Bounce Rule.
  6. Stay focused: Concentrate on the ball and the game to avoid getting distracted and forgetting the Double Bounce Rule.

Remembering the Double Bounce Rule can take time and practice. But with these tips, you can improve your game and enjoy playing pickleball to the fullest.

To Know More: Click on the visit Stacking in Pickleball.


What is the Double Bounce Rule in Pickleball?

The Double Bounce Rule is a rule in pickleball that requires the ball to bounce once on each side of the court before it can be volleyed or hit in the air. This rule is designed to give both teams a fair opportunity to hit the ball and promote longer rallies.

Is the Double Bounce Rule applicable for serves in Pickleball?

Yes, the Double Bounce Rule applies to serves in pickleball. The ball must bounce once on the serving team’s side and once on the receiving team’s side before being hit.

Why is the Double Bounce Rule important in Pickleball?

The Double Bounce Rule is important in pickleball because it promotes longer rallies and ensures that both teams have a fair opportunity to hit the ball. Without this rule, the game would be dominated by aggressive volleying and would not be as exciting.

Does the Double Bounce Rule apply in singles pickleball?

Yes, the Double Bounce Rule applies to singles pickleball. The rule ensures that players have a fair chance to return the ball and promotes longer rallies, making the game more enjoyable for all players.


In conclusion, the Double Bounce Rule in pickleball is an essential part of the game that promotes fair play and longer rallies. It ensures that both teams have an equal opportunity to return the ball and start the game. Which makes for a more enjoyable and exciting experience for players and spectators alike. Adhering to the double-bounce rule can be challenging for beginners, but with practice and patience, it becomes easier to follow.

Remembering to wait for the ball to bounce twice before returning it. Standing as far back as possible during the serve are helpful tips for keeping the rule in mind. Whether you’re a beginner or a professional player, the double bounce rule is a fundamental aspect of the game that must be understood and followed to play pickleball successfully.

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