6 Reasons Why You Should Keep The Ball Low In Pickleball

Are you tired of dropping pickleball matches because your opponent can easily stop high shots? If so, it’s high time for you to keep the ball low in pickleball. This technique not only helps to prevent your opponents from smashing but also offers other advantages.

In this blog, you will discover 6 reasons why you should keep the ball low in pickleball. Given below are the reasons why you should keep the ball low in pickleball.

6 Reasons Why You Should Keep The Ball Low In Pickleball

Why to Keep the Ball Low in Pickleball?

Be ready to get addicted to pickleball and learn some new skills. Here I have mentioned why you should keep the ball low.

Low Balls Create More Difficult Returns

Pickleball players that keep the ball low make it difficult for their rivals to return serves. It is more difficult for your opponent to return serves when the ball is hit low over the net and stays near the court. To return the ball to play, they must hit it harder and more precisely.

Also, keeping the ball low makes it more difficult for your opponent to pick it up. They have limited alternatives for returning the ball since they have to bend down low to receive it, which can be physically demanding. Maintaining a low ball trajectory in pickleball places you in a more advantageous position. It increases the likelihood of your opponent making a mistake or hitting a poor return, allowing you to take advantage of the situation. In pickleball, keeping the ball low might give you a significant competitive advantage.

Better Control Of The Ball

Pickleball players who keep the ball low may more easily control it since it moves slowly, allowing them more time to prepare for their next shot. Because of this, the players have more time to position themselves and decide where to smash the ball. This allows the player to target specific court areas with greater accuracy.

The player enjoys a tactical edge because it is challenging for the opposition to forecast the ball’s direction. By hitting low balls, pickleball players can lessen their chances of making mistakes or hitting the ball out of bounds.

Your Opponent Will Have Less Time To React

To give your opponent less time to react, keep the ball low. Hitting the ball low in pickleball makes it challenging for your opponent to stop your fast shots and reduces their chances of returning the ball successfully. Getting close to the net and launching a powerful shot is all it takes to score these days.

Reasons Why You Should Keep The Ball Low In Pickleball

Reduces Odds of Easy Volleys

Keeping the ball low reduces the possibility of straightforward volleys in pickleball. If you keep it near the ground, your opponent will have to strike the ball farther and with stronger strokes. It also makes passing easier because your opponent will have to reach up high to pass the ball.

You can give your opponent additional difficulties in pickleball by keeping the ball low. They will need to hit the ball very hard and curve their shot around the obstruction if they wish to get it over it. It forces them to work harder for every point and prevents them from hitting easy balls directly into your court.

Forces Your Opponent To Lift The Ball

When you keep the ball low in pickleball, your opponent has to lift it higher than they would if you played with it higher. It forces them to expend more energy traveling and handling the ball, which gives you an advantage in points. Additionally, because your opponent is constantly lifting the ball, they are more likely to make mistakes with it – this can lead to easy points for you.

Conserves Energy

By keeping the ball low in pickleball, you can conserve energy since it demands less physical exertion to make contact with the ball. When hitting the ball at a higher trajectory, more force and energy are needed to make the shot, which can be tiring and lead to fatigue over time. Players can conserve their energy and avoid getting exhausted quickly. Additionally, hitting low shots allows for quicker reaction times and less time spent running around the court, reducing the energy expended during the game.

Frequently Asked Questions

Does Keeping The Ball Low In Pickleball Require A Lot Of Skill?

Keeping the ball low in pickleball requires some skill and practice, but it’s a fundamental aspect of the game that all players should improve.

Can Keeping The Ball Low Be Effective In Both Singles And Doubles Pickleball?

Yes, keeping the ball low is effective in both singles and doubles pickleball, and it can help players of all skill levels improve their game.

How To Keep The Ball Low In Pickleball?

To keep the ball low in pickleball, use a continental grip, shorten your backswing, close your paddle face, and follow through low to the ground.

Why You Should Keep The Ball Low In Pickleball?

There are various reasons why you should keep the ball low in pickleball. It offers many benefits, including better ball control, more difficult returns for the opponent, providing less time for the opponent’s reaction, forcing the opponent to lift the ball, etc. Players of any proficiency level can avail of these advantages, considerably enhancing their gameplay and boosting their likelihood of success.

Do I Need To Have Pickleball Experience To Keep The Ball Low?

No, keeping the ball low is advantageous for players of any skill level. Beginners can begin by focusing on hitting the ball gently and precisely while more advanced players work on improving their ball control and use different tactics to keep the ball low.

In Pickleball, Is It Important To Maintain Every Shot Low?

No, in pickleball, keeping your shots low is not always important. However, there are situations where keeping the ball low can provide an advantage, such as when your opponent is positioned near the net or when they desire to generate an opening for an offensive play.


In pickleball, keeping the ball low can have a few advantages that can improve your chances of winning. We have explained in this blog only 6 reasons to play pickleball low in pickleball. Not only does this technique make it challenging for your opponents to make contact with the ball, but it also enhances the likelihood of effectively retrieving it if they manage to hit it.

Also, keeping the ball low makes it less likely to be popped out, which is important in challenging pickleball matches and pickleball tournament ideas to win the match. You may enhance your pickleball playing skills by paying attention to the six factors reasons mentioned above for keeping your ball low.

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