How To Hold A Pickleball Paddle

It seems simple. What can be more challenging than holding a pickleball paddle when you are playing Pickleball? It is not how hard you hold the Paddle; it is about how well you can use it. You need to learn how to hold a pickleball paddle correctly to give yourself a far better chance of success at Pickleball. You will learn how to hold a pickleball paddle correctly to provide yourself with a far better chance of success at Pickleball. Getting these fundamentals of Pickleball right is essential because bad habits will be much harder to fix later.

I observed that the essential skill to learn is holding a pickleball paddle properly. It is important to know certain things when you learn how to hold a pickleball paddle. If you need to learn how to grip your Paddle, your hits will be consistent, so you’ll often be hitting your ball out of bounds.

As an introduction to picking up a pickleball paddle, I will help you understand how to hold a pickleball paddle correctly so that you hit more awesome balls and win more pickleball games.

How to Hold PickleBall Paddle

Types Of Common Grips In Pickleball Game

The Standard Grip

Various types of grips exist on the market today, but we will keep things simple by talking about the most common ones, i.e., the standard grip. It is safe to say that most players use this grip almost all the time; in fact, it is the grip that comes naturally to most people.

Continental Grip

If you’re a beginner Pickleball player or an extremely experienced pickleball player, there are chances you’ve tried this grip style. It’s easy to learn with three variations that we’ll see below on how to grip a pickleball paddle. 

Continental grip is also sometimes called hammer grip. When done correctly, the position of the continental grip finger is almost identical to that of holding a hammer.

  1. The Neutral Grip: Most of the time, it’s the pickleball handle you’ll be using, as it allows you to land more shots. But it is also beneficial for the forehand and backhand.
  2. The Strong Grip: In this case, the “V” must point directly at you, but to the right, instead of directly at you. Start with a neutral grip and rotate your hand clockwise until you feel comfortable. The strong grip gives more movement to the wrist, making it an ideal choice for more aggressive forehand or overhand strikes.
  3. The Weak Grip: The final variation of the continental grip is the low grip, or loose grip, which is unusual for many pickleball players. You start with the exact neutral grip but then turn your hand to the left so that the “V” shape points to the left. Due to its limitations, it rarely finds use. Its primary use is to keep the club face open and hit spinning shots.

Choosing the right pickleball paddle is crucial for playing your best game. If you’re unsure of how to pick out a pickleball paddle, there are several factors to consider. Our guide on how to choose pickleball paddle covers everything from weight and materials to shape and size. By following our tips on how to choose a pickleball paddle, you’ll be able to find the perfect paddle for your playing style.

Western/Semi-Western grip

The western pickleball grip is the opposite of the continental grip. For a Western/Semi-Western grip, start with your hand on the continental grip. Afterwards, rotate your hand 90 degrees so that your hand is on the opposite side of the racket.

You can create a semi-western grip depending on where you hold your index finger. Placing the index finger higher towards the face of the Paddle is a semi-western grip, while keeping it higher towards the other fingers is a traditional western pickleball grip.

It’s not popular with beginners, but many pickleball pros use it for tactical and spin shots. You can’t make a lot of defensive shots with the western grip, so keep that in mind. 

Eastern Grip

The Pickleball’s eastern or eastern forehand grip is similar to the continental grip, except the club face faces the net rather than the sky.

First, hold the Paddle’s edge with your other hand to get your hand in the correct position for an eastern grip. Then place the palm of the dominant hand against the surface of the Paddle with the fingers spread. Run your hand along the Paddle to the handle and wrap your fingers around it.

Two-Handed Grip

Players often use a two-handed grip when hitting the backhand for better control and increased power.

For the two-handed grip, place your dominant hand on the hold at the bottom of the grip. Your non-dominant hand sits on top and slightly overlaps your dominant hand, preferably in an east grip, so that you can add superior spin to the ball.

Surprisingly, your non-dominant hand generates more power and movement. The dominant hand guides the Paddle through the swing.

Read More : How to Clean Pickleball Paddle

Two Handed PickleBall Paddle Grip

How To Hold A Pickleball Paddle Like A Pro?

Step 1: Position Your Dominant Hand On The Paddle

When you write, you use your dominant hand. For most people, this will be your right hand. Place your dominant hand on the centre surface of the paddle. You can hold the pacifier in whatever comfortable way, but avoid getting your fingers caught.

Step 2: Place Your Other Hand On The Paddle

Your other hand is your non-dominant hand. For most people, this will be your left hand. Place your other hand on the paddle near the tip. Hold the paddle in a way that is comfortable for you.

Step 3: Experiment With Different Grips

See the below different grips on how to grip a pickleball paddle:

  • The most common grip is the continental grip, similar to the grip you would use on a tennis racket.
  • Another popular grip is the eastern grip, similar to what you would use on a badminton racket.
  • The third grip is the western one, similar to the one you would use on a tennis racket, but with your hands down.

How To Hold A Pickleball Paddle For Maximum Power?

First, it’s essential to hold the paddle correctly. Place your thumb and first two fingers on the paddle handle while holding it. Take your thumb and first two fingers and wrap them around the paddle handle while holding it. It is best to hold your racket with your index finger on top, and your other fingers should be below. You can adjust your grip as needed, but it’s a good starting point.

Next, you need to position your hand correctly. It is best to imagine that you are holding a tennis racket in your hand. It will help if you hold the pickleball racket the same way as a tennis racket. If you do, your shots will have more power.

Finally, you must ensure you are using the correct arm position. When holding the paddle, your elbow should form a 90-degree angle. It gives you the most control and power over your shots.

For maximum performance, here are tips on how to hold a pickleball paddle correctly. Now go out there and start playing!

How To Hold A Pickleball Paddle For Maximum Control?

The continental grip is the most popular pickleball grip. Start by holding the paddle with your non-dominant hand. Place your dominant hand under the paddle and wrap your fingers around the handle. Keep your grip tight, but not too tight.

The eastern backhand grip is similar to the continental grip, but your dominant hand is above the racket, not below. Backhand players often use this grip.

Holding PickleBall Paddle for Maximum Control

Players who want more control over their shots use the modified forehand grip. Start by holding the paddle with your dominant hand to perform this grip. Then place your non-dominant hand under the paddle and wrap your fingers around the handle. This grip gives you more power and control for your forehand.

Whichever handle you use, hold the racket firmly but not too much. You should be able to move the paddle quickly in your hand. If you hold the paddle too tightly, you will have less control over your strokes.

Personals Tips:

Don’t Hold The Paddle Too Tight

Keep the racket tight when playing any game that requires a bat, racket, or, in this case, a racket. You will lose pace and need to be more accurate because of this.

Change Hands During The Game

When learning pickleball, learn the different shots you can make with one hand. However, once you’re comfortable, you can also practice switching the racket between your two hands, depending on what shot you would like to perform.

Put Your Finger On The Surface

After practicing with the different grips listed above, you can place a finger or two on the racket’s surface. It can give you a better feel for your shots because you will feel the racket extend from your arm rather than something you’re holding.

See More : What Pickleball Paddle do the Pros Use

Choose A Racket With The Ideal Weight For You

Finally, one of the best things you can do is choose a racket with the right weight. Different weight paddles feel better or worse in your hand. Ideally, the paddle should feel like an extension of your arm, so it should be manageable.

Where To Hold The Pickleball Paddle?

After learning about the different grips you can use for holding your paddle, we need to talk about the best place to hold your paddle for optimal playability. You will decide how to hold your paddle about your circumstances while playing. It is essential to keep your paddle close to your midsection during play. The neutral position is the main one you will use. Using this method, you’ll be ready for anything your opponent might throw at you.

Where to hold PickleBall Paddle
  1. Pickleball Paddle Handle

In general, whichever pickleball racket grip you choose, you should hold the racket in the middle of the grip.

A little throttle towards the face of the paddle will prevent you from getting proper wrist movement, and being too low will limit power and control.

  1. Ready Position

In the ready position, tennis players hold the racket in front of them. Pickleball players can do this as long as it works for them.

Many players adopt a neutral stance to prepare for pickleball, typically with feet shoulder-width apart, elbows bent and racket towards the waist. Ultimately, it’s up to you to determine your readiness position.

Frequently Asked Questions

Does There Exist A Good Way To Hold A Pickleball Paddle? 

There is no best way how to grip a pickleball paddle. It all comes down to what is comfortable and works best for you. We recommend starting with the east grip as it is usually best for beginners, but if another grip is more comfortable and gives you more power or control, give it a try!

Are You Allowed To Switch Hands In Pickleball?

It’s nice to switch hands in pickleball. However, this can sometimes be tricky, especially when trading volleys.

What Factors Do You Consider For Choosing The Pickleball Hold?

There are three factors to consider when choosing your pickleball hold:
Level Of Competence
Position on the Court
The Goal of Your Shot


Pickleball is a game that can be challenging, especially for people who need to improve their grip on a racket. As a pickleball player knowing how to hold a pickleball paddle is essential to being a good pickleball player. This article was helpful to you in understanding the different types of grips for holding the pickleball racket, the steps for holding the pickleball racket, and where to place the racket to play pickleball effectively.

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